Barre Blend - Elise Joan
Barre Blend is a new hybrid workout that combines barre, cardio, and Pilates. This announcement promo was released to Beachbody’s top 250 coaches at their leadership event.
Client: Beachbody
DP: Mike Lloyd
Camera Operator: Chad Mahadevan
Producers: Scott Moss, Bill Weisman, Rachel Horvath, Joanne Jay, Mike Peleaux
Production Designer: Gary Randall
Product Development: Lisa Roth, Bree Andrews, Ronald Rosas
HMU: Olympia Farmakidis
Wardrobe: Vjera Watts
Sound Recorder: Sam Young
Graphics: Casey McClain
Audio Mix: Jeff Levy/Margarita Mix - Santa Monica
Director/Editor/Color: Dinh Thai